Central Vacuums

Central Vacuums

A better indoor climate

Søran AS delivers all kinds and sizes of central vacuums for companies, industry and consumers. A central vacuum reduces astma- and allergy problems by improving the indoor air quality substantially.

A “regular” vacuum cleaner blows small dust particles out through the other end when used. This means that the indoor air quality actually is substantially worse, and potentially harmful, after you vacuum. The floors may look clean, but the air isn’t, and this can affect children and adults alike. With a central vacuum the harmful dust particles are sucked out of the house, and the indoor air quality improves dramatically.

More efficient cleaning

Central vacuums are very quiet, and with a correctly placed central, you  won’t have to hurt your shoulders or back, dragging the vacuum cleaner with you around the house. There are many different lengths of vacuum hoses, which means that normally you can cover with entire house with one contact on each floor.

Central vacuums can usually be installed in all kinds of buildings, old as new. Søran AS are experienced with these products and installation. You can choose whether you’d like to buy a do it yourself solution, or let us take care of everything for you.

Central Vacuums
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